Only You Jesus / Ada Ehi

 Its only you hmmm

 Eh eh eh eh Its only you hmm only you Only you Jesus hmm hmm Only you can do what no man can do hmm Only you can say what no man can say hmm Only you can change any situation at all ahai hmm Only you are able daddy so so you are capable Jehovah Only you can do what no man can do is only you Only you can say what no man can say eh Only you can do what no man can do is only you Only you can change any situation at all ha ha Only you can do what no man can do is only you Only you are able daddy only you are capable Jehovah me Only you can do what no man can do hmm Jehovah me Jehovah oh Only you only you It's only you It's only you hmm It's only you hmm Just like you walked the streets of Galilee you are doing the same today And like you healed the sick and you raised the dead you are doing the same today Jesus Like you said Lazarus come forth come forth you are doing the same today You are doing the same today you are doing the same today You are doing the same today you are doing the same today

Ha oh God my promoter you are doing the same today Jesus my promoter opening every door now you are doing the same today Fighting all my battles healing the broken hearted you are doing the same today Only you can do what no man can do eh only you can do what no man can do is only you haa Eh only you are able ha only you are capable capable say you are able only you can do what no man can do is only you hmm Only you can change any situation at all eh eh Only you can do what no man can do is only you hmm Unfailing unchanging unfailing resurrected Jesus Only you can do what no man can do is only you hmm Jesus Jesus Jesus eehhh haa ha Aaaaaaaah The son of God ah ah ah ah The word of life ah ah ah ah The same today ah ah ah ah Say he's capable Jesus The resurrection Jesus And the life Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus the son of God Jesus the word of God Jesus Jesus only you can Jesus make the blind to see Jesus Jesus only you can Jesus make the lame to walk again Jesus Jesus only you can Jesus make the dead to rise Jesus Jesus my promoter Jesus Jesus ejelele hmm Call his name Call his name Call his name He's capable ha Speaking tongues he’s capable ejelele hmm


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